John Smeaton Sixth Form Photo 1976

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 John Smeaton High School 6th form photo 1976

Right click & save the reference number mask for a larger printable version.
Yes, I know, there are 2 number 13..... the result of a late night and too much red wine.
Treat 13 left as 13a and 13 right as 13b.

Photo ID template

The following table of names has been identified by Hazel Cope (34) and Paul Brow (7).
If I have mistaken any ID, let me know and I'll correct it.
Updates by Gillian Watson, David Bell, Chris Haigh, Rick Potter, Jennifer Slater, & Glenn Ibbotson - many thanks.

1. Ian Lewis 2. Andy Moulden 3. Chris Haigh 4. Phillip Brooke
5. Rick Potter

6. Steve Wright

7. Paul Brow 8. Michael Eccles
9. Neil Richardson 10. Andrew Thurlow 11. Chris Hudson 12. David Bell
13a. Ian Frudd 14. David Benn 15. 16. Paul Keighley
17. Chris Taylor 18. David Jackson 19. 20. Rob Mathewson
21. William Wallace 22. Alastair Rutherford 23. Don Baddley 24. Graham Sugden
25. Mike Eaves 26. Keith Holmes 27. Martin Powell 28. Trevor Holloway
29. Glenn Burley 30. Helen Bass 31. Karen Kent 32. Sandra Butler
33. Stephen Plews 34. Hazel Cope 35. Susan Lee 36. Gillian Watson
37. Andrea Josephs 38. Angela Carroll 39. Karen Fieldhouse 40. Jean Clennell
41. Brian Gough 42. Jennifer Slater 43. Sarah Gibson 44.
45. 46. Nina Terry 47. Linda Harrison 48. Carol Dixon
49. Rosalind Wood 50. 51. 52.
53. Patricia Faul 54. Jacqueline Danby 55. 56. Jeanette Burrows
57. Sandra Bullock 58. Carol Lynch 59. Gillian Miller 60. Keith Speight
61. Robeena Flynn 62. Ruth Gale 63. Carole Pickersgill 64. Liz Hunn
65. Kim Parker 66. Jill White 67. Linda Sharp 68. Caroline Oddy
69. Pauline Hall 70. Eric Wainright 71. Peter Broughton 72.
73. Jane Newsome 74. Lesley Steer 75. Annette Lusardi 76. Andrew Lawrence
77. Neil Roberts 78. Martin Belshaw 79. Martin Waterhouse 80. Glenn Ibbotson
81. Kevin Hornshaw 13b. David Barrett